Webinar Registration Link:
Please join the UTHSC Office of Research Development for the January 2021 Health Sciences Entrepreneurship Grand Rounds featuring Jonathan Wall, PhD.
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
1:00pm-2:00pm CT
Presenter: Jonathan Wall, PhD
Title: The Road to a Collaborative Corporate-Academic Partnership for Biotechnology
In this webinar, Dr. Wall will describe the process of going from invention disclosure to viable Biotech start-up and the decision processes that have led to an effective, productive corporate-academic collaboration.
Jonathan Wall, PhD is a Professor at the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, Director of the Amyloidosis and Cancer Theranostics Program, and Director of Research at the Graduate School of Medicine, Knoxville, TN. He is also co-founder and interim Chief Scientific Officer of Attralus Inc., an early phase Biotech company developing diagnostic and therapeutic agents for systemic amyloidosis.
The Health Sciences Entrepreneurship (HSE) Grand Rounds seminar series is a collaboration among UAMS, Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Kentucky, University of New Mexico, University of Utah (all Clinical and Translational Science Awards Program institutions), and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.