“Creating a Tropical Rainforest Environment” A Message from Dr. Steven R. Goodman


Tropical rainforests exist close to the equator and receive 60 to 160 inches of rain per year. The temperature ranges from 700 to 850 degrees F, creating a warm and humid climate. This in turn leads a diverse microbiome with 40 to 75% of biotic species found in rainforests. This unique environment houses half of the world’s… Read More

“Sun Showers and UTHSC-Industry Partnerships” A Message from Dr. Steven R. Goodman


The rain in a sun show is actually coming from a different location and being blown into the sunny region by a strong wind. In the case of university-industry partnerships, it also requires a strong force to blow the resources of industry, that allow products to reach the public, towards the ability of the academic… Read More

“Raining All Over the World” A Message from Dr. Steven R. Goodman


In late May 2016, I spent 10 days in China on behalf of UTHSC. The first four days were spent in Northern China at Harbin Medical University where I was joined by Dr. Steph Cormier, Dr. Steve Youngentob, and Dr. Weikuan Gu. We met with President Baofeng Yang, Vice President Dianjun Sun and other Harbin Medical University… Read More

“I’m Singing in the Rain” A Message From Dr. Steven R. Goodman


With credit to the timeless film directed by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen, and full knowledge that I am dating myself, I am “Singing in the Rain”. We have done so much together in such a short time to stimulate research at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, that you can’t help enjoy the… Read More