Category: homepage

PCORI Highlights UTHSC Study to Help African Americans with Uncontrolled Diabetes Better Manage Their Health


The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), an independent nonprofit whose mission is to help people make informed healthcare decisions, recently shone a spotlight on research being done by the Diabetes Wellness and Prevention Coalition (DWPC), one of the cornerstone initiatives of the UTHSC Tennessee Population Health Consortium.   PCORI featured the Management of Diabetes in… Read More

Keisling, CDD Receive New National Support


Bruce Keisling, executive director of the UTHSC Center on Developmental Disabilities (CDD), recently received a new $113,670.00 award from the Department of Health and Human Services. The grant is part of a $150 million federal investment by the Biden administration to expand the public health workforce within the Administration for Community Living’s disability networks. The… Read More

Congrats to Dr. Li and Dr. Lu


Congrats to Dr. Kui Li, professor in the department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Biochemistry, and Dr. Lu Lu, professor in the department of Genetics, Genomics and Informatics for their newly funded collaborative grant!  Drs. Li and Lu are multiple PIs on a $423,500 award from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for their… Read More

New Cross-College Collaborative Supported with National Award


We’re celebrating a new cross-college collaborative project that just snagged national funding! The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases has awarded $372,680 in support of the study, “Muscle GPRC6A regulation of protein turnover with overload and disuse recovery.”  James Carson, PhD, FACSM, senior associate dean for Research and Graduate Studies in the… Read More

Announcing a New Core


The Office of Research is proud to announce an addition to the growing family of UTHSC institutional cores. The Advanced Imaging Core (AIC) is officially open in Room 311 of the Johnson Building, and is ready to provide super-resolution microscopy imaging services through its state-of-the-art equipment and expertise. The AIC houses light-sheet fluorescence, wide-field fluorescence… Read More

Welcome, Dr. Kyle Johnson Moore


UTHSC Office of Research Names New Director of Scientific Writing In order to better serve the research community, the Office of Research has named Kyle Johnson Moore, PhD, as the new Director of the Office of Scientific Writing as of January 2021. In this role, Dr. Johnson Moore will assist research faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and… Read More

A Record Breaking Year


In 2019, UTHSC achieved record-breaking growth in research funding.  Year-end numbers from the Office of Research show grants and contract awards for FY19 totaling over $100 million for the first time in UTHSC history.  This number represents a tremendous leap over a 3-year period, with funding jumping nearly 20%, from approximately $84 million in all… Read More